Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of outstanding men and women who volunteer their valuable time, leadership, and wisdom and are true champions of the College of DuPage and its Foundation. These community leaders make a valuable contribution to the growth and development of College of DuPage through both their time and resources.
Founded in 1967, College of DuPage Foundation serves the College of DuPage by supporting educational innovations in programming and student support services, providing scholarships and awards to students, and giving recognition to both faculty and graduates of the institution. Philanthropic support, along with community and business partnerships, ensure that this mission is fulfilled, and that our students are able to make their dreams come true!
Derryk Madsen
Managing Director Vesticor Advisors
Sherman Neal
Immediate Past President/Treasurer
Principal Owner Aspire Ventures
Jonathan J. Shimp
Vice President
Board Governance
Sales Director - National Health Plans Rx Savings Solutions
Scott Marquardt
Vice President
Resource Development
PartnerMarquardt & Belmonte, P.C.
Annette C. Shoemaker
Vice President
Executive Vice PresidentELCA Foundation
Dr. Christopher B. Burke
Member at Large
Founder and PresidentChristopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC
Board Members
Keith E. Allen
Of CounselEvans & Dixon
John Attard
Managing Director, Wealth ManagementMerrill Lynch
Mark Baggio
Vice President and
General CounselVistex
Thomas B. Egan
Wealth Management AdvisorVestor Capital
David S. Fox
President (Retired)Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Bob Hutchinson
PresidentWheaton Bank & Trust
Katherine Lietz
Senior ManagerDiversity and Inclusion (Retired)USG Corporation
Anthony L. McPhearson
Chief Information OfficerDuPage County
Michael Meyers
Director (Retired)Bell Laboratories
Michael Morrissey
Sr. Account ExecutiveDatabricks
Ian Parr
PresidentOwner Services Group, Inc.
Marcie Peterson
Katie Philpott
Senior Director
Motorola Solutions
Yolanda Rocio
President/FounderRocio HR Consulting Services
Lori A. Swanson, ACP
Licensed Realtor - Keller Williams InfinityAdvanced Certified Paralegal through NALA
Mark Wright, C.C.E.
President, CEODFS Diverse Facility Solutions
Kathleen Yosko
PresidentKCY Healthcare Advisors
Ex-Officio Members
Nick Howard
Liaison, Board of TrusteesCollege of DuPage
Dr. Christine M. Hammond
Interim PresidentCollege of DuPage
Karen M. Kuhn, M.S., CFRE
Executive DirectorCollege of DuPage Foundation
College of DuPage Office of Institutional Advancement
Walter J. Johnson
Vice President, Institutional AdvancementCollege of DuPage
Board Nominating Process
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